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February 26, 2011

Snow and Blackhawk

Blusteringly cold today here in the flatlands. Snow and more snow at low elevations. We drove by Mt. Diablo on President's Day and saw a smattering of white stuff at the summit. But nothing has materialized here in the valley, although there my be some falling tonight.

Snow, snow, go away.
Don't come again, I hope and pray.
These aching bones are getting old
And absolutely hate the cold.

We met up with Don and Janet for lunch at Dean's Cafe in Pleasanton, then drove to Danville's Blackhawk Museum, a car-filled taste of eye candy for affectionados. Had a wonderful visit and browse (yes, it's a noun, too, folks) of rare, vintage vehicles. More proof of a God who granted creativity to those made in His image.

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