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September 2, 2012

Color the Skies

God created all things ex nihilo - from nothing. That doesn't mean God is nothing, but that God exists apart and outside of His creation. Space, time and life were spoken into existence by the "word of His power." Hebrews 1:3.

And in His wisdom He created color - that visible electromagnetic spectrum of light with different wavelengths.

Colors have come to symbolize certain Biblical truths. Blue refers to heaven and black to sin and judgment. Yes, I know - black isn't really a color.

Most people enjoy any lavish use of complementary colors - and they most likely don't know why. It's a spiritual thing, actually. God's image is relected in us, and part of that primal image is appreciation of beauty - color is part of an expression of all that is beautiful. Genesis 1:26.

This is one reason we enjoy visiting the Color the Skies Balloon Festival each year. Few events boast so much color on a large scale.

Today is a good day to thank God for this wonderful gift of sight and the visible electromagnetic spectrum!

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