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August 16, 2012

Upon Turning 40

There comes that time in a man's life when he doesn't just feel and look old, the whole world reminds him by celebrating the fact. Oh, it's an honorable event, filled with various eulogies, gifts and tears. But it's a glaring reminder of that short path to the future --- a future none of us was really promised in the first place.

We celebrated my 40th year with KP today. Balloons. Banner and posters. Video taping. Pictures. Chinese food. Humorous slide show. Talk of changes and the 'old days.' Three digitaries drove over from corporate headquarters with well-wishes. The company founder sent blessings. Gift card. Bobblehead doll of yours truly.

And I was truly surprised and deeply honored by those who know me best. Barb and Elizabeth sat by me, ready to catch me if I passed out from the praise.

"Let another praise thee, and not thine own . . . lips." (Proverbs 27:2) immediately follows King Solomon's admonition: "Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." Humility enjoined. Contrition elevated to a new height. The meekness and brevity of life underlined.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Psalm 90:12.


Cousin Steve said...

40 years with one company! Congratulations, and be sure to thank Obama for building that business.

BarbRad said...

I've been trying to find out who you are so I can tell you how much I love your web page on Paso Robles. I ran across it in a search for information on Paso's historical buildings, and I love it. I will be linking to it from some of my pages. I just sent you a friend request on Facebook even though I don't know you because I see from your web site that we have a lot of interests in common. Best to you, and keep up the good work.