Our resolution-filled New Year's Day will be forgotten (along with any resolutions) by January 31. Human nature is beset by fear of pain and deprivation. Only the strongest will prevails against a bulging waistline or lack of exercise. And then, there are the will-motivators: the best being an annual check-up where your doctor gives you ultimatums (shouldn't that be ultimati?). Prayer helps, too.
My gloved fingers were stingingly cold yesterday morning when I visited the University of Pacific for another set of pictures featuring Burns Tower. I pretty much had the place to myself, which gave me the freedom to explore unfamiliar territory. This tower is so out of place compared to its surrounding architecture. It's like seeing the Washington Monument in the middle of Yosemite. Yet, it is strikingly attractive with its colored glass and simple design.
I scouted for the best reflections and found a few worth keeping. But notice the distortions in the glass. The Apostle Paul writes, "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then I shall know, even as also I am known." I Corinthians 13:12 Paul is referring to a piece of smokey glass or dull mirror surface, where the object in view is imperfectly seen. In context, he's talking about the resurrected body, further illustrated in chapter 15, "Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven." I Corinthians 15:49, ESV. This speaks of the first Adam and Jesus Christ, whom Paul calls, "the last Adam."
Sin has marred our view of heavenly things and the heavenly King; but the Spirit of God opens our eyes to glimpse their perfection, beauty and glory. There is coming that day when our faith will be turned to sight. "Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"
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