It was back to Coco's Restaurant today with Angel in tow for the first time. One of our favorite places to eat in Lodi, Coco's is always full of local old folks (especially after church) and young kids (cheap kid's menu). We were on the way to one of the city's reptile, bird, fish and insect stores. Our lunch included the senior chicken strips with broccoli, hamburger and fries and the junior chicken strips. Pretty cheap . . . only cost $30 with tip! Ha! Guess we should have gone across the street to MacDonalds for $15 (and free wi-fi for my iPod Touch).

We were hoping for bright sunshine today after the rain, but were rewarded with just a bit of afternoon sun. It will be back to the socked-in look tomorrow morning. We just keep the lights on at home and try not to think about the drippy wet drizzle outside. It's all under control, though. Not man's control as too many think, but God's providential supervision.

You're right, our lives are pretty boring apart from visiting overwhelmingly breath-taking pet shops. Breath-taking in the literal sense, where your initial inhalation includes a humid, stench-filled measure of oxygen, nitrogen and whatever else has been added by all these dirty creatures. But with a little patience, all is forgotten in a few minutes and you can enjoy the huge Doberman Pinscher, small golden terrier mix and juvenile rooster that greeted each visitor (well, not the rooster - he just did his own thing - mainly running from the bratty boys who chased him).

This is one CROWDED store with cages on top of cages, dozens of tarantulas and spiders in small clear plastic containers stacked behind the glass case by the cash register, parrots, other birds, large and small aquariums, lizards, geckos, and even large 3' monitor-type lizard. All in about a space equal to our living room and dining room combined. Yeow! Electric extention cords and lights everywhere. Pet food crammed here and there. Claustrophobic pets, beware!
It will be much easier to relate to Noah and his predicament now!
(all photos taken with iPod Touch - left the professional gear in the trunk)