This double-vision glitch taken this week reminds me of that hidden portion of our lives. There is an outward reality, the world of physical senses. But there is also that inward, 'around-ward,' spiritual reality that we can't see or sense with our innate being. More real and certainly timeless, the Bible makes it clear that we are blind this invisible realm due to our fallen nature --- that universal bent of being that long ago disowned God, truth, and righteousness and traded them for self worship, lies, and sinfulness.
Jesus told a man he "must be born again [or from above, or spiritually] to enter [and see] the kingdom of God" (John 3). The Apostle Paul tells us all are born spiritually dead (Ephesians 2). God must awaken us to truth and true spirituality. We cannot see Him in a relational way until a conversion takes place, a new heart is given to us, and we are adopted into His family by faith.

By contrast, most other world religions deny any breach of relationship with the Creator. People are born innocent, perfectly able to obey God and earn their "salvation," however they define it. They view Christianity as a weak man's religion, one that depends on God for faith and obedience and salvation. They deny the reality that sin and sinfulness deserve God's extreme wrath because of His perfect holiness, teaching that if our goodness outweighs our badness, God will overlook the bad. This is not what Jesus taught, nor His disciples. If it were true, His death on a cross to pay for sin has no meaning.
Thank God for His mercy and grace in giving us what we were blind to and could not deserve. We say with the Apostle John, "What manner of love is this: that we should be called the children of God!" (I John 3)
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