Finally! The promise of spring has been fulfilled TODAY as Californians get their fingernails dirty doing yard work before the next rains arrive. Days like today make all of the hard work worthwhile. The grass will never be more lush and God paid the water bill. A few new flowers grace the birch trees. The poppies collections are still blazing in the backyard. And here I sit (after tackling the great outdoors) at this stodgy computer, processing pictures, updating the PR-USA.com page, reading and answering email, listening to Barbara clip and thunk the pieces of another puzzle, and not wanting to take on my next project: climbing up on the roof to cover a few more holes between the shingles! Ha!

The Stockton Record paid both granddaughter Angel and me tribute by publishing a few of our pictures in the paper. This was Angel's first attempt at taking 'real' photos with my Nikon DSLR at Oak Grove Regional Park after she attended the "Bug Fest" at the Nature Center. She's a point and shooter with an eye for simplicity at this stage, but I'm trying to get her headed in the right direction re: composition, exposure and focal length. Hey, at 9 years old, she's way ahead of me in those departments. I was still on the receiving end of picture taking at 9 years old. And film was expensive.
Today, the digital revolution will spawn a younger-than-ever generation of photographers who will capture the fleeting moments of their world with greater expertise than ever. One man's opinion.

In case you missed it (previous post), you can see all of these photos taken by Angel at: Angel's DSLR Debut. Mine can be linked from my main page.
go Davy!! Passing it on to the next generation.. priceless.
Angel, your pictures are wonderful! Keep shooting!
Congratulations to your granddaughter on having her photos published. Nothing like seeing your work in print.
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