Angel is sporting her g-great-uncle's 1950's vintage military jacket that I keep in the trunk of the car for emergencies. Saturday's overcast/rain/wind/cold demanded more warmth than her flimsy shirt could give, so while we were waiting for the Haggin Museum to open for a children's art show, she bundled up in it. Oldie, mouldy can be warm and huggy, too.
Poor girl hadn't heard about this event at her school. Either it involved only select classes, or she wasn't listening when they announced it, or it was a teacher option to choose the most promising students. She wants to enter next year, of course, having drooled over a number of pieces of 'modern' sculpture and ceramics.
Sometimes (maybe most of the time) we miss great opportunities. Keep those eyes and ears open. Your greatest work of art may be helping someone else or finishing that job your spouse mentioned a long time ago.
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