Yes, the little woman is the greatest invention yet, and I'd be lost and starving without her. Besides, there would be no one around to pray for me, encourage me, or kick me in the pants every once in awhile. Thank you, Lord, for having mercy on this old buzzard.

One of Angel's gifts included a block of cement like grit that hid a number of amethysts and white quartz rocks. Bang, bang, bang went Angel's silver hammer - until I replaced it with my 50 year old Grandma Skinner special, a wood handled miniature that suited her perfectly (and got the job done a lot faster!). This is a part that she loved to play - the little archaeologist. She also had a block of cemented sand that had the skeleton of a T-Rex in it. More banging on Ginnie's old table! All cusioned so it wouldn't scratch the wood, though.
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