Those memorable Kodak moments captured on Kodachrome slide film are long gone, thanks to the overwhelming success of digital 'film' and personal post-processing on your computer. Today was the last day that this film was processed. Steve Curry was given the last roll to shoot. This was the choice for portrait takers, giving a ruddy glow to even the pastiest of faces. Landscape portraits were warm and dreamy with all of that saturated color. There was no blue or greenish cast to them. And the greatest miracle of this miracle film is that it doesn't lose its color after 40 years. Plenty of time to digitize all those old shots.
I assume this picture, taken of Grandpa Skinner throwing me to my dad at Avila Beach, was Kodachrome. Hey, I'm sure of it. And so it's over 60 years old. I didn't shoot too much of it because it was only ASA 25 (or ISO for you moderns). I switched to Ektachrome for a little more speed, but paid the price by trading the warm color cast to a cooler blue one. Not the best move, but it's ancient history now, set in stone --- on the acetate of each slide.