This fall's colors are starting to find their way to the front door. The backyard maples and frontyard birches haven't seen any change yet, but the house has been decorated to remind us that nature's glory will soon be seen.

Changes are also seen in the sky as this weekend's storm approaches from the west, blowing north as it plots a path along the coast. We haven't had the predicted rain showers yet (it's 2:43 p.m, Saturday right now), but it has been cloudy all day. Angel is playing with the cat and watching cat videos on the computer. All is quiet on the western front.

A few remnants remain from the summer roses - persistent blooms before the freezing winds and frost. Then it will be time to pull them out and plant another that hasn't been borer infected. I'm just not a rose lover type of guy. At least when it comes to babying them.

Mother Liz and daughter love driving around in the Rabbit.

Halloween is a low-key event here at the homestead. The true bug-eater that she is, Angel has no problem posing as a withered wretch before going to the church's big candy/game/music/fun evening Friday night. Adventure will be her forte as she finally decides on a life course. May God direct her, whatever her decision might be.

We're often caught off-guard in our expressions. We hate having our picture taken because of the few bloopers that caught us with our tongues hanging out, eyes crossed or worse. Here is proof that you can take a bad picture and make it a standout. Just depends on who's judging the contest.